Sunday 2 September 2012

Practicality Vs Ethics

Hola Friends !!

How are you?
I am doing great with my work - life balance.

Recently, had a profound discussion with some of my colleagues regarding the ethics we follow in our daily life and upto what extent our employers deploy it. Is it just lip service?

Many of us believe that in this today's world ,doing something to win is more important  than doing something which is ethical. People often end up confused with the two concepts. Some even go to the extent of belief that, "all are doing the same", "so, What's wrong with myself doing the same?". Some even say, "This is the way, things happen around here!"I largely disagree with them.

In corporates, we happen to see client visits with plush hotels, city tours, lavish restaurants, so on and so fourth. Are they that necessary? People tend to like that "Extra" satisfaction and so many deals, many projects get signed off. But, wait a minute. So, are the above mentioned "Extras" really differ the companies which offer pure product and the company which offers products + Extras? Also, importantly, does the client blindly go with the extras? Are they fools? If this is the case, why to provide unnecessary "Extras" to them.Some companies satisfy the clients extra "needs" which at times cannot be termed as "Legal". Forget Ethical. I say, provide what is necessary, Extras in work, little things to show our thanks and gratitude. Will that won't work? Perhaps, the Management pundits would be ideal to take this hit.

 While dwelling into the companies ethical factor, I came into loggerheads with my own. We do violate our ethics many a times. Most of us, in most cases. Best, I could pick, as I have seen and performed many such acts are: making personal phone calls using office provided phone. Imagine an office with 2,00,000 employees and each one does 1 call for just 1 day. Imagine such a month, perhaps an year. The other one I found out is using office stationary for bulk personal use. Making copies, prints, scans, so on and so fourth. I say with much regret that, I was the one who have done both acts in my firm, many a times. Forget about the companies, traffic police, Passport verification, Offices, Academic Universities, you name a stakeholder, you will end up finding/doing unethical practices.  Don't we know that what we do is against ethics? Yes, we do. But as I said above, its the "It happens!" syndrome which manipulates our acts.We even end up giving a superb logical cover up for our goof up.

Somehow, I struggled for two days on such thoughts and finalized some guidelines which I would pledge to implement. It not only provides my firm, or other stakeholders involved in my life a positive sign, but also provides emotional satisfaction, which drives many good gestures from my end, in every walk of my life. I would strive to avoid all unethical acts in my future endeavors which prove detrimental to the society and my stakeholders. It is pointless to pay a bribe to avoid a legal thing and end up patronizing "Corruption is Rampant" campaign of "Anna Hazare". Remember, we don't end up doing 2G/CWG/Adarsh Scams ! What is we do is small and avoidable.

So Guys!, The ball is in your court, "push it to the next person, or let the buck stop here and be the change !"
