Wednesday 20 June 2012

Sadda Haq....!

Hi Friends !

Greetings !

I don't know about you guys, but I am enjoying monsoon !
A penthouse really aides to that enjoyment !

Recently, in various scenarios I came into verbal conflict with my friends and colleagues discussing the freedom levels one can  exhibit and whether one should do any artificial acts which will temporarily enhance our physical beauty.

Unfortunately, all guys supported and I was lone to oppose the idea.
They were more happy to make themselves attractive to opposite sex just until marriage and after that, they can be reverted back to their original lifestyle.

I see it too Mean !! I questioned them, "Why Can't one be natural to the core, right from the beginning?"
See, my logic goes like, if you don a new avatar just for someone or just to appear beautiful, it means that you are borrowing a new look for sometime. There are two problems with this.

Firstly, you need to return your avatar back and get to your original self, may not be at that moment but very soon.

And, you need to pay a price in the form of RENT to that avatar. Do you know, what Rent, you will be paying?
The trust of the other person.

Of Course the relation may continue. But always one person will be leading a compromised life.

On the other side, if your partner likes you with your true self, your true qualities and your true negatives, they will love you along with your qualities. So, such a relationship will last long when compared to the first case.

Only one thumb rule, "Relationships never form upon lies"

Maybe, I am wrong. Or, I may not be thinking contemporary. But this is what, I have observed in my little experience, which I got by observing my close pals.

Live your life, your way. Things will fall into your stride. May not be today, but surely will !!

Just wanted to pen down this idea, to make it strong !


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