Monday 19 November 2012

Mein Kampf

Hello Everyone,

Guten Abend !

If Alive, Hitler would definitely sue me for using his title for my blog.
These days, I am being bugged by one solid question which will shake one's foundations.
What makes one Successful in life?
Not just career, not just relations and not the family either.
In Life. On the whole.

Upon reading a plethora of books on that subject and many other good articles, I came to a conclusion that "If you are capable of implementing whatever you think, without procrastination and hesitation", Success will bow before your might.
Here, when I mean success, I mean happiness. And you will be happy when your want is fulfilled. If you want INDIA to win a match, and if it does, you will be happy. On the other side, if it doesn't, you will feel bad, may be in small doses and for shorter duration. But, this is the ultimate funda in life.

We often end up working/performing less than our full throttle. This becomes the sole reason for our unsatisfied and often unhappy lives.

So, coming to the solution part, I want to COMPLETE, whatever I PLAN to.

This is with respect to every aspect of my life. If I want to indulge myself in 1 hour of photography or want to blog for some time or want to learn a new word in german, I WILL.

I will slowly start implementing this attitude in my life. In all small windows and also for larger tasks. BUT, I WILL.

I will post with my methodologies and results later !

Cheers Guys,

If you have any better thoughts, please do POST.


  1. Tell me how you define Success wrt career, family, relations with reference to the bolded statement in this article.

    Also, I want to know the what you know/feel about the real meaning of life...want to fight on an article on it.

    1. Thanks for your reply.
      Success is Happiness (My definition, No offenses).
      Bolded statement makes me capable to pursue it.

      No intentions to fight, but yes, if you ask me to define life(with my little understanding), I would say it as continuous fight with oneself and enjoying bliss in everything.

    2. May be I put it wrong. Success is happiness in career. Success is happiness in relation. Success is happiness in family. Then what is happiness in career, relation and family and how do you think we can acheive them?

      Everyone has their own meaning of life which may or may not be lucid to others. I have no comment on that one.

      I meant to ask -what is the Real purpose of life????

    3. Good thought provoking questions, Krishna.
      See, my view regarding purpose of Life is

      1. Do what you would like to (Most of the cases),
      2. Sometimes, yes, do what makes other's (Ex Parents, wife) happy.
      3. Do your fav. job (even though it doesn't fetch you much).
      4. Serve Others selflessly(You do not need God/Religion to do the same).
      5. Make your life less complex in every possible aspect (dressing, expressing thoughts, lifestyle, job).
      6. Enjoy every scenario life throws at you.

      I, personally do not have anything like success in my Life. To me being Happy is everything.

      Happiness in Family - If you can spend valuable time where your son/daughter will feel more secure with you than with their friends. Your parents can say anything to you. Even if you are poor, still your family can afford a smile and be proud about you.

      Happiness in Career - You start working towards something for which you can give the best you can. Say, your boss tells you to no need to work on weekends, still you feel you are happy to work. That happens in Current job? In one word, If you feel that you are doing your fav. thing and when you go home, you have a satisfaction which you cannot express in words but you just smile when you reach home seeing your family but not get frustrated when they bother you.

      Happiness in relation - One liner. Be Yourself without the fear of losing your relation. Say anything, Do anything, still you hold the relation.

      Again, these are my views, how I see the world. Ideally, this may differ from your view point.

      Thanks for coming back !

