Wednesday 21 November 2012

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive !

Greetings Guys,

Back at the helm again :-)
You know, these days, I am learning much by thinking much. About myself.
Real knowledge, real life, real education.

I am in fight with one of my own opinions.
A person hurts you intentionally. He (It may be "She" either :-P) knows that, you will definitely feel bad.
Time has changed.
Now, you have a chance to pay him in his own coin. Should you?
Of course, you have every reason to.

Hold On.

First, let us first consider what if you teach them a lesson by acting on their terms.

1. You will get emotional satisfaction. Your ego gets satiated.
2. He may learn a lesson on how someone feels when he behaves in the same way.
3. You may lose the relation with that person, unless he takes your act in a positive way and learns a lesson on his own cost.

Here, when I say "may", there is every possible reason that he may not. He may probably even end up waiting for another chance to reply back, with more acetic tone and a guaranteed acerbic action.

 Now, what if you don't pay back and instead, forgive him.

1. You may miss that ego satiating kick.
2. People around you will judge you as a weak person, who cannot avenge even for a small thing.
3. He may repeat the same act somewhere with someone else and hurt them too.
4. You may have that pleasant feeling of forgiving and would not spread hatred.

Now, coming to the discussion, is it that necessary to avenge?
This question rotates in my mind even today.

Being candid, I never forgave any person who have messed up with me.Even a slightest mistake would be rewarded back in his own terms. I was judgmental. The prime reason being, i hated the idea of forgiving a person who does a wrong thing intentionally.
In most cases, i used to retaliate. But since some months/say a year, I have become more moderate and started to feel empathy towards the people who do hurt me either intentionally or the other way.

In a candid discussion with one of my best friends, a line propped up, which goes as, "Forgiving a person, even when you have the chance of taking revenge is the most pleasant thing." 

This changed me.
At first, I didn't accept this line. But, later, when I have started to identify some fragments in my life which needed some better tool than revenge, made me feel the change.

In our lives, as we face many people every day, we see a number of them expressing a plethora of negative reactions. Anger, hatred, speaking ill, mistrust, 'I don't give a damn' attitude and many such negative shades which in many cases will hurt you for sure.Here, I am not talking of people who commit crimes. Don't misjudge me, please. If we try to retaliate, what are we trying to do is, unknowingly filling our life with all such hatred.

We lose our mental balance, we shout at people at slightest mistake, we often misjudge people, we end up scolding and criticizing everything under the sky and slowly tend to become unwanted perfectionists.

This is one aspect, the other worst part is, we dump that negative tone on someone who is weak (again who don't avenge), say our mother (primary target), sister/wife (secondary), brother, father, best friend, so on and so forth.
Imagine a scenario, when your mom/wife avenges you by not taking care of daily chores citing your anger as her reason. Wouldn't that be a sight to watch?

When Parents won't, why should we? Are they not our inspiration? Our first and best role models ?

So, friends, I am conducting this experiment of forgiving others even when the other person is 100% wrong. I WILL NOT be successful in just a day or two. This needs much patience, which I am ready to put in.

Are You?


(My new signature, for my blog and photography. Howzaat ?? )


  1. Nice one Kishan! So this means I can start beating you! ;-)

  2. Haha..Most Welcome :-)
    anyways, I also get a fair chance, when we meet... :-D

  3. I read all ur articles today. Honestly, they could use a little toning of Language a little continous tangible simple english perhaps. Just a thought.
