Monday 8 July 2013

Lucky You....vs ....You Alone !

Good Evening,

00:30....Good Evening ??? Am I Mad? Not Yet :-P

Yes, Welcome to IMT.

Friends, As of late, I have been into some serious stuff which needs my complete attention. During this period, many a times I tried to jot down a few thoughts, but got engrossed into a couple of more.

Life is not so easy. It is full of choices. Choice to eat or not to. If yes, eat what?, If this, eat where?, If here, Why? and the list goes on.

When we take a choice, we need to understand the consequences. So, if everything goes well, whom to applaud? If something gets screwed, whom to blame?

Most of you believe in luck, don't you. Now - a - days, the word luck is used extensively. Lucky student, Lucky family, lucky guy and for the records, Lucky captain  :-)

The same applies to the other side of the coin as well. Ill fate/bad luck was with the family, they died in the blast when they visited temple. Bad luck to the girl who got raped by some so called "MARD", even when she was shouting "God ! save me" with all breath available in her lungs.

For your information, God doesn't save them. Its their KARMA. Of course, they say it.

I will restrain my discussion towards luck....God will be allocated with a couple of blogs or may be a separate book.

Now, tell me. Does the above incidents have to do anything with luck? My roomie and myself had a very good discussion on this subject which made me to write this. He was supporting luck. Its ok. I respect his opinions.

Now, let me express my views. Luck? My foot !

Everything depends on your decisions and situations you are in. There is nothing like luck to make you win/loose. Why would nature love bias? AFAIK, Nature loves symmetry !

Now, let us discuss my case with a few weirdest examples.

1. There was a bus accident, say floods @ Uttarakhand, where everyone was killed except some set of people inside temple/ only one person among all who are involved in an accident. Is that Luck? Suppose, if you remove the term luck from that equation, what would you attribute the accident to? Perhaps, the vehicle dynamics? weight division? speed, etc. Then why would you say "Luck" rather than these genuine factors that you know.

2. There is a person attending an interview. Lets say, 2 people. One guy got a very easy panel, one guy got the toughest professor. What would you say? Lucky A? Keeping luck aside, will that won't do anything with his mindset, preparation, attitude, hard work?

The answer to all my questions is simple 2 point solution. Again, this is just my view point.

1. Human mind confuses with situations which are beyond its understanding. Science has proven that, in such cases, it often tries to seek refugee in some belief which is supreme and unquestionable. Ok, Mr.A is lucky. Can anyone answer, why only Mr. A is lucky? Why not B or C. Why only "Nirbhaya", the girl who got raped was unlucky? Why not some other girl, for the instance.

No Answer. You just retaliate as, "He/ she is just lucky. No reason". That proves my first point that, you perceive it as something beyond your understanding. If, in an accident all people die except you, its not your luck or their bad luck. Its that, their body couldn't take such pain and died, but you are more fit to survive further.

2. The second point is more a suggestion/thought. Make life more simple. Perceive the things around you in a simpler fashion. Everything that happens, happens on a cause and effect basis. No Luck. No Bullshit !

If you keep your life more simple, slowly you will develop a sense of responsibility where you will blame less and shoulder more. Then most of the things you enjoy doing rather than worrying about the outcome.

I am working on this thought since 1 year and I am happy. In fact, very happy.

Guys, see you again. This time, probably we shall have a meeting with GOD.....Yes, alive !


  1. Nice article but then its difficult for me to convince myself with the above mentioned facts...may be i need some more time....but then the logic is pretty well explained.....:)

  2. Yeah Man....It took 3 years to realize this and trust this logic of mine...Have patience, but give it a try :-)
