Sunday, 27 October 2013

I'm Falling !

Hey ya!

Good Evening !

A cozy relaxing weekend at my hostels. Nice to start your day at 14.30 Hrs. ;-)

I'm used to be a person who belonged to myself. These days, I am not. I am purely living some other's life, in some other way, for some other's happiness. I didn't opt this or aspired this. It just happened.

People, How do you define success? You know what, I define it as "Being Yourself ! Being responsible to your life !"

I am not. I am falling. I am failing.

At this point, I can remember the famous line by Joker in Dark Knight, " Madness is like gravity, all you need is a push" !

What a line!! Some crazy thought of a serious ideology. The same is my case.

I am leading a life which is quite opposite to what I meant and aspired to. Life is really strange. I never imagined myself at this lowest ebb.

Education makes people knowledgeable with which we can leverage our experience. I am losing on all fronts. I am ruined.

All bad things that are happening to you, because of you and are crushing your shoulders into earth. You know where it is going wrong, where it should be corrected, but cannot change it. Not even a bit of it.

Is this what I wanted from Life? From my management education? From me?

Expectations are deceptive. These hard times make you see the reality.

The only thing that is left with me is the ability to know the truth, to identify it. I still need the courage and strength to fight it.


I do not want to end up like this. I do not know whether my story here at B School has an happy ending or not. But, I am one 100 percent sure of my defined success.

Lets see how it goes and the struggle involved to come out of this and be a Flying Dutchmen!!

Indeed the times are very demanding and the situations are very depressing.



  1. Tension mat karo bhai...Chillax....Everything will be alright and there is always a happy ending for all the stories....:)

  2. If its not a happy ending, it is not the end. There is something else planned for you... :)
