Saturday 12 May 2012

The Inception - Dreams !


Have you seen the English movie Inception?
No? Do watch it !
Its a good movie which relates a story on Dreams within dreams...
When I saw that movie, I remembered mine.
I always had one constant vision, where an accident occurred to me. My soul standing beside my corpse and observing something. Is it my subconscious memory?

Also, whatever happens to me, I see that in my dreams...
I hope many of you have the same feeling.

Once, I was having a dream, that I was climbing a mountain and I slipped to some distance.
This happened to me when I was in my BTech, but the same scenario (of-course, I don't remember the finer details), but the same thing happened to me during my first trek to Rajmachi hills.
My friends, held me tight. It was not that risky, but the image was strong enough that I instantly remembered the same instance.

Call it Deja vu or Dreams or fore seeing.

These things really interest me.

Does my nature of visualizing things, affect my subconscious memory?

I'm in search of many such questions !!

Do share your weird, real world related dreams !


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