Wednesday 21 November 2012

Forgive, Forgive, Forgive !

Greetings Guys,

Back at the helm again :-)
You know, these days, I am learning much by thinking much. About myself.
Real knowledge, real life, real education.

I am in fight with one of my own opinions.
A person hurts you intentionally. He (It may be "She" either :-P) knows that, you will definitely feel bad.
Time has changed.
Now, you have a chance to pay him in his own coin. Should you?
Of course, you have every reason to.

Hold On.

First, let us first consider what if you teach them a lesson by acting on their terms.

1. You will get emotional satisfaction. Your ego gets satiated.
2. He may learn a lesson on how someone feels when he behaves in the same way.
3. You may lose the relation with that person, unless he takes your act in a positive way and learns a lesson on his own cost.

Here, when I say "may", there is every possible reason that he may not. He may probably even end up waiting for another chance to reply back, with more acetic tone and a guaranteed acerbic action.

 Now, what if you don't pay back and instead, forgive him.

1. You may miss that ego satiating kick.
2. People around you will judge you as a weak person, who cannot avenge even for a small thing.
3. He may repeat the same act somewhere with someone else and hurt them too.
4. You may have that pleasant feeling of forgiving and would not spread hatred.

Now, coming to the discussion, is it that necessary to avenge?
This question rotates in my mind even today.

Being candid, I never forgave any person who have messed up with me.Even a slightest mistake would be rewarded back in his own terms. I was judgmental. The prime reason being, i hated the idea of forgiving a person who does a wrong thing intentionally.
In most cases, i used to retaliate. But since some months/say a year, I have become more moderate and started to feel empathy towards the people who do hurt me either intentionally or the other way.

In a candid discussion with one of my best friends, a line propped up, which goes as, "Forgiving a person, even when you have the chance of taking revenge is the most pleasant thing." 

This changed me.
At first, I didn't accept this line. But, later, when I have started to identify some fragments in my life which needed some better tool than revenge, made me feel the change.

In our lives, as we face many people every day, we see a number of them expressing a plethora of negative reactions. Anger, hatred, speaking ill, mistrust, 'I don't give a damn' attitude and many such negative shades which in many cases will hurt you for sure.Here, I am not talking of people who commit crimes. Don't misjudge me, please. If we try to retaliate, what are we trying to do is, unknowingly filling our life with all such hatred.

We lose our mental balance, we shout at people at slightest mistake, we often misjudge people, we end up scolding and criticizing everything under the sky and slowly tend to become unwanted perfectionists.

This is one aspect, the other worst part is, we dump that negative tone on someone who is weak (again who don't avenge), say our mother (primary target), sister/wife (secondary), brother, father, best friend, so on and so forth.
Imagine a scenario, when your mom/wife avenges you by not taking care of daily chores citing your anger as her reason. Wouldn't that be a sight to watch?

When Parents won't, why should we? Are they not our inspiration? Our first and best role models ?

So, friends, I am conducting this experiment of forgiving others even when the other person is 100% wrong. I WILL NOT be successful in just a day or two. This needs much patience, which I am ready to put in.

Are You?


(My new signature, for my blog and photography. Howzaat ?? )

Monday 19 November 2012

Mein Kampf

Hello Everyone,

Guten Abend !

If Alive, Hitler would definitely sue me for using his title for my blog.
These days, I am being bugged by one solid question which will shake one's foundations.
What makes one Successful in life?
Not just career, not just relations and not the family either.
In Life. On the whole.

Upon reading a plethora of books on that subject and many other good articles, I came to a conclusion that "If you are capable of implementing whatever you think, without procrastination and hesitation", Success will bow before your might.
Here, when I mean success, I mean happiness. And you will be happy when your want is fulfilled. If you want INDIA to win a match, and if it does, you will be happy. On the other side, if it doesn't, you will feel bad, may be in small doses and for shorter duration. But, this is the ultimate funda in life.

We often end up working/performing less than our full throttle. This becomes the sole reason for our unsatisfied and often unhappy lives.

So, coming to the solution part, I want to COMPLETE, whatever I PLAN to.

This is with respect to every aspect of my life. If I want to indulge myself in 1 hour of photography or want to blog for some time or want to learn a new word in german, I WILL.

I will slowly start implementing this attitude in my life. In all small windows and also for larger tasks. BUT, I WILL.

I will post with my methodologies and results later !

Cheers Guys,

If you have any better thoughts, please do POST.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Practicality Vs Ethics

Hola Friends !!

How are you?
I am doing great with my work - life balance.

Recently, had a profound discussion with some of my colleagues regarding the ethics we follow in our daily life and upto what extent our employers deploy it. Is it just lip service?

Many of us believe that in this today's world ,doing something to win is more important  than doing something which is ethical. People often end up confused with the two concepts. Some even go to the extent of belief that, "all are doing the same", "so, What's wrong with myself doing the same?". Some even say, "This is the way, things happen around here!"I largely disagree with them.

In corporates, we happen to see client visits with plush hotels, city tours, lavish restaurants, so on and so fourth. Are they that necessary? People tend to like that "Extra" satisfaction and so many deals, many projects get signed off. But, wait a minute. So, are the above mentioned "Extras" really differ the companies which offer pure product and the company which offers products + Extras? Also, importantly, does the client blindly go with the extras? Are they fools? If this is the case, why to provide unnecessary "Extras" to them.Some companies satisfy the clients extra "needs" which at times cannot be termed as "Legal". Forget Ethical. I say, provide what is necessary, Extras in work, little things to show our thanks and gratitude. Will that won't work? Perhaps, the Management pundits would be ideal to take this hit.

 While dwelling into the companies ethical factor, I came into loggerheads with my own. We do violate our ethics many a times. Most of us, in most cases. Best, I could pick, as I have seen and performed many such acts are: making personal phone calls using office provided phone. Imagine an office with 2,00,000 employees and each one does 1 call for just 1 day. Imagine such a month, perhaps an year. The other one I found out is using office stationary for bulk personal use. Making copies, prints, scans, so on and so fourth. I say with much regret that, I was the one who have done both acts in my firm, many a times. Forget about the companies, traffic police, Passport verification, Offices, Academic Universities, you name a stakeholder, you will end up finding/doing unethical practices.  Don't we know that what we do is against ethics? Yes, we do. But as I said above, its the "It happens!" syndrome which manipulates our acts.We even end up giving a superb logical cover up for our goof up.

Somehow, I struggled for two days on such thoughts and finalized some guidelines which I would pledge to implement. It not only provides my firm, or other stakeholders involved in my life a positive sign, but also provides emotional satisfaction, which drives many good gestures from my end, in every walk of my life. I would strive to avoid all unethical acts in my future endeavors which prove detrimental to the society and my stakeholders. It is pointless to pay a bribe to avoid a legal thing and end up patronizing "Corruption is Rampant" campaign of "Anna Hazare". Remember, we don't end up doing 2G/CWG/Adarsh Scams ! What is we do is small and avoidable.

So Guys!, The ball is in your court, "push it to the next person, or let the buck stop here and be the change !"


Saturday 28 July 2012

The Fountainhead !

Hey Friends,

Recently, ordered "The Fountainhead - by Ayn Rand."
Thanks to Flipkart, it reached its destination on time.

What a book ! Really, I have read many books on various categories. Fiction, Non fiction, Suspense, Self help, Romantic, Leadership etc. This one is different, special and intriguing.

This book makes your mind work. Every character portrayed in the story had a sense and perfection in style. They have their own signature. They allude to real life people we met and talked to. You can find Howard, Cameron etc, everyone, in your friend, teacher, boss, and even in yourselves.

The diction and story revealing capability is simply awe-inspiring. The usage of words, command over language left me agape. Such is the style of Ayn Rand.
This book got published in 1943 and still, even today, it is the bestseller in all major bookshops and digital book-houses.

She made a statement saying " The author shouldn't keep his/her contemporary needs in mind and make a work. It should be a statement for years." She kept to her word.

Really, my ideas to write a book grew stronger after reading this life changing book.  Yes, I will :-)


Friday 6 July 2012

Don't RUSH !

Greetings Friends.

Yesterday, a small news article appeared saying that a young person was killed in a road accident.


Does this call for a post in one's personal blog? No.

Let us get into the specifics.

A person was trying to cross the road at begumpet flyover and a speeding motorist suddenly hit the person.

He fell down and before he came to his senses, a speeding truck crushed him to death.

The bike person sped away from the scene and no one could ever note down his regd. number.
The truck person was held by people around the scene.

The saddest part of the incident is that, the person who died actually was handicapped and had polio.

If the person was a bit more cautious ? or was the biker ? or the truck driver? the accident could have been averted.

We always rush on roads, feeling that we are doing our bit to our 100s of CC Horse power.

Where do we rush? Nowhere.

I will bet you, the bike person may not be caught again. After coming to know that the person was handicapped, the biker will suffer with deep remorse and with guilt for the rest of his life.

I personally, till yesterday felt that, if someone was crossing a road, interrupting my ride, i would curse them..."Kya Yaar? Dekha kar !! ", with my speedometer saying hello to 60s.

Now, I am changing my attitude.

Where do we rush? To a waiting girl/boy friend? To an exam ? To Office? To Restaurant ? To a movie? To any other crappy place, which doesn't have importance more than a life.

All the above things will wait. All these can have a retake. Also, you can mend your girlfriend/boyfriend later with an excuse and perhaps with a kiss ;-)

But once imagine, if the person you hit is the lone earning member in his family?

Of-course, the people crossing the road might be using a mobile, seeing the other side of the road or maybe, he is ignorant of the traffic rules or maybe he is having a "so what?" attitude on his face.

All this doesn't have more importance than his life, which he may be not realizing at that moment.

Perhaps, you can teach him, or say gift him that life with showing a small amount of compassion and a little amount of time by applying a tiny amount of brake.

So, Friends !

I am Changing ! Are you ?



Wednesday 20 June 2012

Sadda Haq....!

Hi Friends !

Greetings !

I don't know about you guys, but I am enjoying monsoon !
A penthouse really aides to that enjoyment !

Recently, in various scenarios I came into verbal conflict with my friends and colleagues discussing the freedom levels one can  exhibit and whether one should do any artificial acts which will temporarily enhance our physical beauty.

Unfortunately, all guys supported and I was lone to oppose the idea.
They were more happy to make themselves attractive to opposite sex just until marriage and after that, they can be reverted back to their original lifestyle.

I see it too Mean !! I questioned them, "Why Can't one be natural to the core, right from the beginning?"
See, my logic goes like, if you don a new avatar just for someone or just to appear beautiful, it means that you are borrowing a new look for sometime. There are two problems with this.

Firstly, you need to return your avatar back and get to your original self, may not be at that moment but very soon.

And, you need to pay a price in the form of RENT to that avatar. Do you know, what Rent, you will be paying?
The trust of the other person.

Of Course the relation may continue. But always one person will be leading a compromised life.

On the other side, if your partner likes you with your true self, your true qualities and your true negatives, they will love you along with your qualities. So, such a relationship will last long when compared to the first case.

Only one thumb rule, "Relationships never form upon lies"

Maybe, I am wrong. Or, I may not be thinking contemporary. But this is what, I have observed in my little experience, which I got by observing my close pals.

Live your life, your way. Things will fall into your stride. May not be today, but surely will !!

Just wanted to pen down this idea, to make it strong !


Saturday 2 June 2012



Recently, I have read a quotation in one of the forwards,
it read, "You are a life to someone else..."

I can see it in the face of my parents.....
Thanks to the Bank issue, because of which I was fortunate enough to spend 3 days with my parents.
Dad tried to discuss every possible issue with me. He tried to feed me up with every possible healthy food item which they assumed that I am not having at Hyderabad.

My mother tried to prepare every favorite item of mine.
They were all smiles that I came to house. It really meant much to them.
To me it was just a weekend at home.

But, I am happy now. My thinking has changed.
Before their happiness, everything fades away. Everything !

This trip here, changed my life.
My heart thawed and asked to stay here for some more days.

I can't do that, but I promised to myself that I will give give my best to spend time with them and make them happy.

I feel it not as a boon to them, but as my duty towards them. !

Love u Dad, Love u Mom !!


Sunday 27 May 2012

Malli puttani....Naalo manishini

Hi All,

Today i watched movie "Vedam" again.
It is the only movie which makes me emotional every time.
Wat a great movie which makes us think about ppl living around us. To be compassionate.
Really...Who says movies are a waste of time....I don't think So !!


Monday 14 May 2012

Life is Too Short !


A very Good Monday Morning :-)

Yesterday was Mother's day. Remembering all the things I shared with the first woman in my Life, I sent an E Card (123Greetings) to my mom, with my customized message(Actually she wants wishes in that way..haha)

She felt very happy and sent me back a Thank You card :-D

(I was the one who taught her how to operate Lappy and how to use net). She learned these advanced stuff on her own. I am proud of my student :-)

On seeing that card and the customized message she sent to me, eyes became watery and made me emotional.
Those mails are real treasure to me! Yes, I mean it!

Some people fight with their dear ones and have some ill feelings towards them, they can be friends, colleagues, parents, siblings, wife, BF/GF, anyone.
The only point they lose is, all these fights may stay for a while, but not the other person.
They may or may not stay as long as our grudge stays.
At one point of stage, we will feel immensely guilty of our behavior at that time.

Life is too short, to have grudges, ill feelings and regrets !!
Have happy time with all your valued ones. Kal Ho Na Ho....

I felt content and happy with the insight I derived yesterday.

Thanks Mom :-)


Saturday 12 May 2012

The Inception - Dreams !


Have you seen the English movie Inception?
No? Do watch it !
Its a good movie which relates a story on Dreams within dreams...
When I saw that movie, I remembered mine.
I always had one constant vision, where an accident occurred to me. My soul standing beside my corpse and observing something. Is it my subconscious memory?

Also, whatever happens to me, I see that in my dreams...
I hope many of you have the same feeling.

Once, I was having a dream, that I was climbing a mountain and I slipped to some distance.
This happened to me when I was in my BTech, but the same scenario (of-course, I don't remember the finer details), but the same thing happened to me during my first trek to Rajmachi hills.
My friends, held me tight. It was not that risky, but the image was strong enough that I instantly remembered the same instance.

Call it Deja vu or Dreams or fore seeing.

These things really interest me.

Does my nature of visualizing things, affect my subconscious memory?

I'm in search of many such questions !!

Do share your weird, real world related dreams !


Wednesday 9 May 2012

Rewind by 10 Years !!


Today, while having a chat wid my colleagues, we went back 10 years into our life.
We remembered those days when we enjoyed the most wid only one TV channel.
The Doordarshan.....hamara pyara DD Network.

We remembered the programs that we used to watch.
Our Sundays started wid Rangoli, went adventurous with Captain Vyom, Shaktimaan, Karma and went drowsy with Sanskrit news.In those days, waiting for a movie means waiting for 4 pm movie on Sundays.
Our Sundays used to peacefully sleep in the lap of "Surabhi".

The only Sherlock Holmes  we knew was our Baabumoshayo, "Byomkesh Bakshi".

Many of us would have the same schedule with our chatter box. Some unlucky ones (just my view) might have missed all this stuff and might have indulged themselves in some SWAT CATS  on some cartoon channel. Who knows !!

If I ever get a chance, I would love to watch the standard Doordarshan song (With Moon in center), the old mile sur mera tumhara...., Alif Laila etc. I would love to learn the Hindi that used to come in the serials/programs.

Really, Life was very happy and content wid that stuff.....

Today, when we were discussing the same, all of us were completely filled with joy and happiness while discussing their fav. vintage show. I thought to pen down our memories....

Kudos to our "You tube" which has almost everything captured!!

Guys, if you have some specific fav vintages, please leave a comment......


Monday 7 May 2012

The Park

Hey Guys....

Do you know what inspired me to write. The surroundings, people...You.

I always think of jotting down the things I see and the inferences I derive from them....

I am always a learner, learning to implement what I derive.

Today, I was passing by a park in some locality called "Lingampally" in Hyderbad.

I saw some things which really inspired me and made me think for some time.

 The first thing that caught my attention was an attractive big  red balloon.It was being sold by a small girl probably 8 or 9 years of age.

Next , I saw a small lentils vendor, who sold some mixture kind of stuff. I went to him and had one.

While I was enjoying it, I entered the park which  was close to the road. I saw a wide range of people there.

One can see many things and different people. Majority of the them were kids. Aaah...Suddenly I remember that the summer vacation is on. Cool.
Suddenly, It reminded me of my summer vacation, my cricket, my business game, my carroms, my explorations in nearby fields, and lots and lots of mangoes.

Coming back.......

I saw  4 kids playing badminton. They will be around 7 - 8  years of age.
Suddenly, one girl unknowing hit the other girl with bat while attempting a backhand stroke.
That strike didn't hurt the other girl much, but she demanded the former girl to step out of  "her zone" and in telugu said, "ee place naaadiiii".

I smiled to myself, I had similar possessiveness with whatever I was associated. Many of you would also feel the same.

Next, I saw 4 ladies, aged around 35 - 40, doing some brisk walking. They were smiling, at each other and doing some gossip. Hopefully, they might be De-stressing themselves from their daily chores.

Also, there were some elders' batch animatedly discussing politics.

I was about to leave the park then I saw something which inspired me. Really Folks!

I was leaving, and at the entrance I saw a mentally and physically challenged person coming from the opposite side. His hands and legs were twisted. He was about 35.

He was walking slowly and his mouth was drooling (perhaps, a condition where one looses control over one's mouth).

I saw him, Iturned and my eyes traveled in his direction.

He wore a stripes Tee and a loose trouser. He was doing his daily walk it seems.

At the same time, a small girl was playing around but stumbled over and fell down.
 This man was just beside her and saw her fall down.
 He put all struggle to his arms and legs, bent down and lifted that child and gave a sympathizing  smile.
 That girl, didn't know that he was mentally challenged, she suddenly, stopped crying and gave a small smile, dusting her bruises. He took that girls cheek into his hand and kissed her.
 She began smiling and both left on their journey, leaving me agape.

He was mentally challenged, knowing nothing.
She was very small to know anything. But the chemistry between them was awesome.
I generally, don't believe in God, but I felt that very moment, that Innocence is one form of God.

I left the park relaxed and fulfilled. 

Good Night Folks !


Intro - Enter the Dragon..Naah...Draculla !


My parents and my colleagues call me "Hari". Gamers call me "Smiling Assassin".
Strangers call me "Hari Kishan" and my close pals call me "Kishan".

There is nothing great about me to speak at length. I have some very simple and basic interests through which I see my life.

To me, life is a spectrum!

I am here to share my life experiences and the inferences which I derive from my life and my surroundings.
Also, I would like to share my dreams and small things which give us strength ! Always!!

Lets cherish the Past !
Lets Enjoy the Present !
Lets Wait for the future !
